LLF is fully operational during this health crisis to serve you and your communities. Please stay tuned to our Landlord Advocate broadcast notices for the latest updates on the fast-changing state of the law affecting your properties.

My tenant just won’t pay

Nonpayment issues must be dealt with immediately. The more the problem festers and the longer payments fall in arrears, the less likely that full or partial restitution will ever be realized.

Our Attorneys understand that RENT = INCOME. Our goal is the same as yours – get the rent from a responsible tenant every month. However, success will only be realized by following the letter of the law. Procedural errors can create delays which ultimately allow the tenant to remain in possession of the property until matters are corrected.

The Landlord Law Firm will work to remove your non-paying tenant quickly while consecutively instituting proper screening methods to help block similar problems from occurring further down the road.