LLF is fully operational during this health crisis to serve you and your communities. Please stay tuned to our Landlord Advocate broadcast notices for the latest updates on the fast-changing state of the law affecting your properties.
Information Technology and Network Support

Anne Harvey

Anne Harvey was first introduced to Robert and the Landlord Law Firm through a business networking opportunity in 2005. Being the owner of a local computer training and support company, Anne quickly impressed LLF with her knowledge and skills both in IT and overall business management. Consulting with LLF was no longer an option. LLF wanted to improve technologically so the firm lured her away from her entrepreneurial pursuits and signed her up as the firm’s Business Manager. Anne was immediately tasked with overseeing the majority of the day-to-day “back office” operations.

Unbeknownst to LLF was that the firm was competing for Anne’s attention in what would ultimately be a losing battle. In 2008, she made the decision to transplant herself to the warmer climate and cool trade winds of Florida where she could keep a perpetual tan in the Florida sun. She has remained with the firm to remotely support functions ranging from evaluating and implementing the growing technology offerings the firm has for its clients to managing client transition data in our system.

Anne holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Sacred Heart University and resides in Myakka City, FL – where the town’s only stop light is over 8 miles away. She and her husband Rick, share their six-acre farm with their two dogs, four cats, two horses, and enough computers to keep her seamlessly integrated with LLF – even when it’s snowing in CT.

When not supporting the firm or feeding one of their many animals, Anne enjoys boating on the Gulf and riding her motorcycle through the Florida back country.